Movies to Watch

There are some movies I recommend:

Chinese agreements for payment due from us are said to have been made over the debt, the huge, increasing debt, that is being compounded by the second. If agreements did or didn’t happen which is a controversial topic, it is an issue that needs to be addressed.

If agreements have been made, it would be well to contemplate this movie’s scenario. The dialogue is interesting. Look on the back of most of your devices. You will, invariably, see on so many, Made in China.

Serious cyber & EMP attacks can happen disabling nearly everything from cars, and phones, to even your refrigerator with computers now, as well as, the electricity sources. The scenario in this first movie is fiction now; however, will it be in the future? We need to know exactly what promises or agreements, if any, have been made to China. Something to ponder.

Invasion Day

Most of us have watched War Games with Matthew Broderick. The following is an interesting movie. It makes war games real if there is someone in a position of power who is set on winning, no matter the cost or evidence.

Dawn’s Early Light…

War-We have never had bombs drop our beautiful country. That has always been elsewhere. Are we ready should this happen? What if…

The Day After…
