Cyber Attacks-Opening Pandora’s Box


Do you have a a smart refrigerator, smart thermostat, some commonly purchased big screen TVs, etc.? The device may be listening to your conversations or you could be hacked, spied upon, or have your internet or electric come down without warning.

We haven’t had a major cyber attack. However we could, and it could put everyone at risk. It is a very real possibility that we all have to be aware of it now in order to prepare.

There is a gentleman who was interviewed by Larry King. As is brought up in the conversation, we are clueless as to cyber technology and what the capabilities are. One comment, ” If you want to have a private conversation, don’t have it front of your TV.” Wow! They actually do mention a brand name on the video.

The interview is of John McAfee, the tech expert and creator of the McAfee anti-virus program of which we are all familiar. Yes, he is considered by many to be an eccentric and controversial if you watched Dateline. However, he has incredible expertise over many years that gives a candid, unique perspective in the video below of what we are facing now and could face in the future. Watch the video and … be in the know!

Be ready for anything,