From all indications, things are seriously shaking up around the world. The biggest news this week-The Stock Market! People are becoming concerned and thinking about their savings, investments, and their retirement and social security, or the lack thereof. Experts are telling people to get prepared for any emergency that could ensue.
Weather changes from droughts in California to flooding in Texas and other areas, is making everyone become more aware of getting their homes supplied with everything from extra food and water to candles and generators. It is time to begin thinking of exactly what you need to have on hand.
I will be posting ideas, suggestions, and products to have on hand on this website. Don’t be like an ostrich and stick your head in the sand thinking that this all may not affect you.
The weather this winter may be a bit different than what you have experienced in the past. If for no other reason, be ready for the winter coming up.
We’ll talk more next time.
God bless,